South Coast Educational Collaborative (SCEC) strives to prepare students with disabilities for a high-quality adult life. Community-based vocational and employment experiences for students, with ongoing data collection, have been an integral component of secondary level programming for our students for four decades. The organization continues to work diligently to align our transition services and programming with IDEA 2004, evidence-based practice, and policy as guided by DESE.
Transition services at SCEC include professional development to SCEC staff members and local school districts. SCEC employs a full-time DESE-endorsed Transition Specialist who works to support teaching staff, students and families throughout the organization. Membership on the Greater Fall River Interagency Transition Team allows SCEC to partner with local organizations and school districts as needed to develop common practices, highlight common issues and develop collective strategies to address the transition needs of schools, adult service providers, students and their families. Ongoing transition-related policy, procedures, and practice continue to evolve within the state, and SCEC as an organization remains informed as we build capacity in transition and share our experiences with our partners.
Transition Services in SCEC day school programs include:- Age-appropriate Transition Assessment and Summary of Performance
- Ongoing data collection
- Student participation in IEP meetings
- Community-based Vocational Experiences
- Community-based employment – paid and non-paid
- Community-based Recreation and Leisure activities
- Community-based Independent Living Skills activities
- Community-based Health and Wellness
- Vocational classes
- Assistance in securing part time paid employment after school hours
- Travel training
- School-based vocational experiences
- Independent life skills and pre-employment training
- Transition-based curricular materials
- Tours, activities and educational programming at institutions of higher learning (MTTI, BCC, and BSU)
- Job Coaching Support to our students
- Family Workshops on transition related topics
- Individual support to our families to assist in navigating adult services
- Community mapping
- Self-Determination training
- Support to students families as they transition to adult service providers
- Professional Development in a variety of transition-related topics
- Transition Assessment for district students
- Interagency Collaboration
- The Federation for Children with Special Needs
- The Massachusetts Transition Coordinators Professional Learning Community
- The Massachusetts Partnership for Transition to Employment State Grant
- The Stoico-First Fed YMCA
- The Greater Fall River Interagency Transition Team
- Youth Connections in Fall River
Lisa Fournier, EdD Special Education Administrator (508) 509-1808 lfournier@scecoll.org