Related Services

Related Service providers at South Coast Educational Collaborative (SCEC) deliver comprehensive therapeutic services to public school students throughout the south coast region as well as to students in SCEC classrooms. SCEC is a leading provider of within-district related services among school districts in the south coast region. SCEC supports districts with full-year services, short-term coverage, or help with evaluations. SCEC Related Service providers support school districts by working as members of the general and special education teams to meet district needs. All related services are provided as outlined in the students’ IEPs and are designed to support students within the least-restrictive educational setting. Our providers work closely with the educational team and family to provide integrated services that support the student’s individual development and academic growth. The expertise of SCEC Related Service providers working within districts can be a key factor that allows a student to remain in the least restrictive environment.

Services include:

Adapted Physical Education addresses the student’s loco-motor skills, object control skills, fitness, and lifetime recreational skills, as well as the student’s ability to follow directions, interact with peers and participate in a large group setting.

Applied Behavior Analysis is the process of systematically applying evidence-based best practices in education to effect meaningful improvement in socially significant behaviors while demonstrating that the interventions employed are responsible for those improvements in behavior.

Assistive Technology addresses a student’s need for Assistive Technology to facilitate access to the curriculum and increase independence. Supports may include hardware, software, adaptive equipment, low-tech supports, and/or recommendations for staff training or curriculum modification.

Educational Services for the Visually Impaired are provided by a licensed Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments, who determines what and how a visually impaired student sees in the school setting, and uses this information to determine necessary adaptations and modifications to the curriculum.

Occupational Therapy addresses the student’s ability to participate in functional, educationally relevant activities, including sensory processing, fine motor skills, visual motor control, visual perception, activities of daily living, and/or adaptive skills that may impact classroom performance and educational progress.

Orientation and Mobility specialists work with visually impaired students to help them learn to travel safely and independently in both familiar and unfamiliar environments. Body awareness and sensory skills are addressed as well as overall travel skills.

Physical Therapy addresses the student’s physical ability to effectively access the educational curriculum and to move safely and efficiently throughout the school environment. Functional mobility, muscle and joint function, strength, endurance, posture, balance, gross motor development, and use of adaptive equipment are addressed.

Reading specialists provide direct support and assessments for students who struggle with reading and writing, in addition to working collaboratively with staff to provide instructional and classroom supports, accommodations, and modifications.

Speech Language Therapy addresses the student’s receptive and expressive language, social pragmatics, and speech production skills to increase overall functional communication skills. Augmentative and alternative communication supports and intervention are provided for students with complex communication needs.

English as a Second Language teachers work with students whose first language is not English to advance their English language development and to promote their academic achievement, including social and academic language in listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities.
Linda K. Cullen, MEd, MS, CCC-SLP
Teacher Leader for Related Services