Professional Development

SCEC offers a rich menu of educational offerings to school districts throughout southeastern Massachusetts. Educator workshops are offered throughout the year at our state-of-the-art training facility in Swansea and in-district workshops are provided upon request. Selected workshops offered by SCEC can be accessed by clicking the link below. In addition to workshops, SCEC faculty provide individualized consultation within local school districts as needed to support students in the least restrictive environment. Examples of in-district consultation services include:
  • District-wide “brown bag” sessions with special education personnel
  • Job-Alike sessions for special education teachers and/or professional staff
  • Consultation with teachers as needed to improve student supports in an effort to maintain the child’s placement in the regular education classroom
  • Developing therapeutic classrooms in-district
  • Individualized teacher consultation around designing therapeutic classrooms.
  • Restraint and seclusion law training
  • Social emotional learning
SCEC, in collaboration with Bridgewater State University, is currently running two degree/ licensure programs for educators:
  • Master’s degree in Special Education
  • Master’s Ed.S. in Educational Leadership
SCEC Workshop Offerings
Contact: Carolyn McKearney, EdD

Special Education Administrator
